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Here are the scenic concepts for "The Hawaii Passion Play" and the tentative schedule of events. Please text or email if you have any questions.

“The Light” March 22-24, 2024

presented by

The Hawaii Passion Play


Tentative Schedule and Plan:


*January  1 – February 1: Planning, individual meetings with churches and schools and set fabrication in Hawai'i and mainland


*February 8, 15 and 22: Planning meetings and rehearsals with sponsor churches and schools in Honolulu, Central Oahu and Kailua

(rehearsals will include auditions for major parts an solos)


* March - May: Individual short performances at Oahu churches and schools


*June 6, 13 and 20: Rehearsals and production meetings in Honolulu, Central Oahu and Kailua


*July 11 God's Ohana Day Parade "The Hawai'i Passion Play 2020" float and promotion day


*July 18 Performance in PM (Location TBD)


Commitment of Sponsor Churches:


The Hawaii Passion Play 2020

Sponsor Church and School Agreement:


We will provide at least 10 members for the choir and cast of the Hawaii Passion Play 2020, Saturday 5 – 8 PM, July 18, on Oahu. Regular info updates at


Each cast member will provide their own biblical costume (tunic) and similar white costume. When the production is over this will be donated to “The Hawaiian Passion Play” which will be an annual production. Patterns will be provided for you and there is an option for a local seamstress who is available to make your costumes for a modest fee by just sending her some measurements.


Your church will commit to promoting the event at their church, through social media and selling 25 tickets at $5.00 each for the performance. This in no way covers the expenses of the event but will help defray the costs.


At your choice of date and time we will present the 15 minute shorter version of the play at your church or facility in the months of March, April and May. We will encourage anyone in the island-wide cast and choir to combine with your church to sing two songs from the musical and present the crucifixion through resurrection scenes. (see attached video link as an example )


Music and drama will be posted online and can be learned by each participant there. Each church or individual may purchase a copy of the musical at the attached link at their own expense – suggested $15 preview packet


Provide 5 new Bibles to give to those who receive Christ at the event (An online purchase site will be offered for the best cost and availability we can find)


The pastor or appointed church director will attend one planning meeting at 9 AM on February 8, 15, 22 divided into Honolulu, Central Oahu and Kailua locations. They will also attend one production meeting at 9 AM on June 6, 13, 20 divided into Honolulu, Central Oahu and Kailua.


Sign this commitment form by February 8.


Important Dates:


February planning meetings and auditions for major parts:


Notes: This production is a collaboration of various local and mainland churches and schools and the decisions made will be in consideration of all participants. Many of the parts will be double cast. If your church hosts the shorter performance we will use your members for as many major parts as possible.


This performance is for men, women and children.


The chief purpose of this is evangelistic and we encourage each participant to invite lost people as guests so that they will hear the gospel and respond. Those who make decisions for Christ will be followed up as best as possible and their information released to host churches by zip code vicinity for discipleship.



Pastor or Director _________________________________ Contact info __________________________


Church __________________________________________ Date ________________________________



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